We're excited to introduce the launch of The Northwoods Ramble, a brand new podcast that celebrates accessible everyday adventure by bike in the Upper Midwest. This video and audio podcast is geared towards a wide variety of riders looking to explore the outdoors on their bikes, be it through bikepacking trips, gravel rides, or discovering the growing MTB trails and culture in the region.
Hosted by Dave Schlabowske and TJ Barnes, The Northwoods Ramble will be a deep look into Northwoods bike adventures. Dave, the former Executive Director of the Wisconsin Bike Fed, spends his time curating bikepacking routes and assisting with local bike races in the CAMBA area. TJ, a trail builder with the American Birkebeiner Ski Foundation, brings his trail-building expertise to the show. Together, they make a rowdy duo to guid you through discovering new bike adventures, events, and Northwoods culture and history.
Dave and TJ, hosts of the Northwoods Ramble
You can join Dave and TJ as they explore the Upper Midwest from their base camps in Seeley, WI. Located near the Chequamegon National Forest, CAMBA MTB trails, and Birkie Ski Trails, Seeley serves as great central HQ for bike chatter. On the podcast, Dave and TJ will review regional bikepacking routes and banter about their gear. They'll also keep you informed about the MTB scene in the Minnesota Iron Range, the UP, and Wisconsin. And to round things out, they'll also share historical tidbits, cultural insights, regional tips, and a few local beers they enjoy.
The Northwoods Ramble will feature a diverse range of guests, including regular biking enthusiasts, route creators, members of the bike industry, and trail managers and builders. Each episode will provide a fresh perspective and valuable insights into the world of biking in the Upper Midwest.
If you're looking to connect with more adventure content and community, keep an eye out for regular episodes moving forward.
Hugh Bob and the Hustle intro just seals the deal!